They may pick on you

Luke 23:26 KJV
And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyrenian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus.

Are you seeing this?  They were leading Jesus away to be killed and suddenly they grabbed Simon of Cyrenica which is today called Lybia in Africa to carry the cross for a condemned man.
Why did they pick on him,  was he the brother of Christ,  no,  was he a disciple,  no, met he ever this Christ before,  no..  So why?

Just because he was a foreigner far from home.  He was not among his own people
First of all let me literally pray for those of you that abide in other countries far from home and live among people of in fact a contradicting religion which may hate you to a fault,  that the powerful arm of God will shield you from traps, setups, problems and implication everyday
Also in context to us as disciples on this side of the universe far away from our heavenly home, those of the world may also pick on us

When next they are looking for someone to carry again this same cross of Christ they may very well pick on us. They may stress us and suffer us sometimes too but that's just gotta be part of the deal because we are only pilgrims in this world of evil as we are actually citizens of the city of God waiting to go home soon

They will pick on us, they will say things,  lay unnecessary  weights to our charge
Why is her gown so long,  can't she wear a convenient short skirt,  why is her ear ring so small,  why is he so chaste does he think he is the most handsome, why can't he drink and party,  is he better than the rest of us?

Questions will be on their minds for us alright, they won't like our groove,  because like that Simon we are just another stranger without identification but the truth is on the day when we leave this world for our home,  all our decency and spirituality, all our abstinence and persistence will be rewarded and like Simon if we carry the cross of the Lord our names will never be forgotten even on this strange land because we will make Goldy impact...

So who's ready to be picked on? Because to God I am set all the way and I will be Meek everytime they challenge me
I speak life

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