
Welcome to the altar, ask and answer
contents from resolved and ongoing arguements on our whatsapp forum.. you can ask your questions in the comments boxes below.. responses are instant

1/24/16, 23:04 - ‪+234 805 848 1222: Need an answer: is it right to    have a church branch inside hotel hall?

1/24/16, 23:18 -Anupraise: A church can be established anywhere. God doesnt need the devils permission to occupy any building in the earth which he created.

1/24/16, 23:22 - Anupraise: God is supreme, he owns the entire universe and as such anywhere u deem fit, plant His church. That territory may be controlled by smokers and harlots from monday to saturday... Oh, alot of atrocities may be going on there during the week, but as soon as God steps in on sunday, the atmosphere renews

1/24/16, 23:22 - Anupraise: Power decends

1/24/16, 23:23 -Anupraise: Dare the devil... Plant that church sir. God created the hotel

1/23/16, 18:07 - ‪+234 812 582 0264: If i may ask,is the biblical taboo 'do not eat anything unclean'stiil effective in this era.patainin leviticus 11

1/23/16, 18:07 - ‪+234 812 582 0264: .???

1/23/16, 19:22 - Anupraise: There are no taboos in the bible sir @mr.seun. There are only precautions. And no, there is nothing unclean to a Christian anymore. You are not made pure, you are the purification, I don't know if u can get this well sir but the difference is this

In those days holy people were made pure and if they touched impure things, they become unclean until certain sacrifices are performed.

But now, we are made the purification, wen we touch unclean things, they become pure by virtue of that touch. Phil3:3 says we are the circumcision .... Not we are the circumcised. If u are circumcised, u are pure, but if u are the circumcision, you are the puritant.

1/23/16, 19:24 - Anupraise: You may also read carefully the argument between God and peter in acts   10:9-16

1/23/16, 19:25 - ‪+234 812 582 0264: Thanks sir!

1/23/16, 19:46 - ‪+234 812 582 0264: But why was it that peter objected God when he was asked in a vision to eat some unclean animals(acts 10 vs 14)was it that he wasnt aware that hes the puritant/circumcision

1/23/16, 19:48 - Anupraise:  Exactly!  The mystery was too big for some of them then to catch on. They still wanted to retain the old wine (laws) and carry it about in the new container (Grace)

1/23/16, 19:54 - ‪+234 812 582 0264: Hmmmm

1/23/16, 19:57 - Aanuoluwapo: So as time went by, the Holy spirit revealed more to his chosen, and as it is written; in the last days knowledge will increase greatly.,., I.e we will know more as time goes on. More than the apostles did, but not more than the bible (note)

1/23/16, 20:15 - ‪+234 812 582 0264: Tanx zir

1/23/16, 20:18 - ‪+234 814 715 5176: Seriously am getting blessed by everything i see  from diz room

1/23/16, 20:27 - ‪+234 806 948 6547: Well, just to add to the points earlier made by Anupraise, ever since Jesus came, we became beneficiaries of grace hence all things were made clean.

But it is important to note that some community, towns, cities still have some animals dey don't consume due to some historic events (according to them) but we will discover that what happens to be a taboo/forbidden in a state might b a favourite in another state. Hence this tells us that non is a restriction unless one is bound by earthly culture or personal selection...


1/23/16, 20:29 - Anupraise: Acknowledge bishop Famze

1/23/16, 20:29 - Anupraise: Tnx for ur contributions

1/23/16, 20:52 - ‪+234 805 848 1222: Waooo

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