Any Church goer can praise God in the midst of abundant miracles
and when God is busy giving us speedy answers to our prayers, but it will take
hardcore christian, iron men and women to kneel before God in the most trying
moments and say that they have some thanks to offer.
Habakkuk 3:17-18 (KJV)

The man Habakkuk had a weird Idea of what factors should command our thanks giving and inner Joy because as far as he knew, even when the trees have no fruit, when there is no oil, no food, no flock, no meat, He will still be Joyous in God and this means He would still be grateful to God.
i mean this guy is literally saying that no physical factor can command him to be sorrowful, because He has found God as a source of eternal Joy.
He is declaring that His own praise and thanksgiving will never stop but will keep coming at a greater abundance even in the face of much lack.
i challenge you to come to that point in God where nothing moves you anymore, where your mood is not between sad and happy but permanently Joyous; especially since you now know that for those that love God, everything is gonna be alright.
Confess good stuff. say that your business will arise, say that your situation will change, say that your health will be restored. speak it, believe it and be ever happy. In God we trust....
We speak life. #TheAltar2day